Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Rolls-Royce iOS app lets you design your car from home

One of the most impressive uses for a device like an iPhone or iPad is that it can give potential customers access and capabilities that were previously impossible. In the case of the Rolls-Royce iOS app for iOS, car lovers can now build their own Rolls-Royce Phantom, Ghost, or any other vehicle in the lineup right from their home; And they can do so in a way that we haven’t seen before in an iOS app. For starters, the 3D modeling and views are beautiful — so good that if you connect your iPad to your TV over HDMI, it still looks smooth and crisp — and besides having the ability to build your car from the ground up, you can even pick a custom paint job by taking or using a photo of something on your device and matching the paint swatch to any color in that photograph. While the percentage of iOS users that can afford a Rolls-Royce is another story, it’s a smart move from a company that will do whatever the customer wants, and it lets potential customers explore Rolls-Royce in any setting they choose.

Post Source: http://www.bgr.in/2011/05/31/rolls-royce-ios-app-lets-you-design-your-car-from-home/

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